ENGINEERS EUROPE was founded in 1951, a few years after the end of the second world war, by a group of French and German engineers who thought that through technology, their common field of activity, it would be possible to create links between former adversaries, and so to facilitate the prosperous and peaceful development of European society. Association from seven European countries immediately joined this initiative.
Today associations from 33 European countries are represented in ENGINEERS EUROPE, bringing together more than 350 national engineering associations, all of which are recognised in their countries as the representatives of the engineering profession at the national level. Through these national associations, ENGINEERS EUROPE represents the interests of approximately 6 million professional engineers in Europe.
ENGINEERS EUROPE is a founding member of the World Federation of Engineering Organisations (WFEO) and collaborates with many other organisations dealing with engineering and technology issues and engineering education.
ENGINEERS EUROPE is officially recognised by the European Commission as representing the engineering profession in Europe. The federation also has consultative status with UNESCO, UNIDO and the Council of Europe.
ENGINEERS EUROPE objectives are:
to affirm the professional identity of the engineers of Europe
- by ensuring that professional qualifications of engineers of the member countries are acknowledged in Europe and worldwide
- by asserting the status, role and responsibility of engineers in society
- by safeguarding and promoting the professional interests of engineers and by facilitating their free movement within Europe and worldwide
to strive for a single voice for the engineering profession of Europe, whilst acknowledging its diversity
- in developing a working cooperation with other international organisations concerned with engineering matters
- in representing the engineers of Europe in international organisations and other decision-making bodies
The working languages of ENGINEERS EUROPE are English, French and German
In the years following the end of the Second World War, several international technical associations were established, among them ENGINEERS EUROPE. In June 1949, 340 engineers met for a congress held in Constance, Germany. The theme of this Congress was: "The role of the engineer in the modern society".
Among the motions which were adopted, one stated that the participants decided "jointly to pursue the task already begun by setting up an international organisation, temporarily limited to Europe, whose goal will be to strengthen the presence of engineers in every national and international movement of economic and social dimension".
This motion bore fruit and an international federation, the "Fédération Internationale d'Associations Nationales d'Ingénieurs", was created in September 1951 in Luxembourg. Associations from seven European countries (Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy and Luxembourg) were the founders. Soon after, associations from other countries joined, and the organisation's name was changed to "Fédération Européenne d'Associations Nationales d'Ingénieurs" (ENGINEERS EUROPE, the European Federation of National Engineering Associations) in July 1956 to reflect its European focus.
As of 1 January 2023 the federation has changed its name into ENGINEERS EUROPE.
ENGINEERS EUROPE is a federation of professional engineers that unites national engineering associations from 33 European Higher Education Area (EHEA) countries. Thus, ENGINEERS EUROPE represents the interests of over 6 million professional engineers in Europe. ENGINEERS EUROPE is striving for a single voice for the engineering profession in Europe and wants to affirm and develop the professional identity of engineers. Through its activities and services, especially with the attribution of the EUR ING professional title, ENGINEERS EUROPE aims to facilitate the mutual recognition of engineering qualifications in Europe and to strengthen the position, role and responsibility of engineers in society. The General Secretariat of ENGINEERS EUROPE, managing the activities of the federation, is located in Brussels since late 1997.
Adopted by the General Assembly, 7 October 2022
Adopted by the General Assembly, 7 October 2022
Corporate governance
As approved by the Executive Board on its Meeting of 13 December 2010 and published in the Moniteur Belge on 28 January 2011