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Schweizer Nationalkomitee für ENGINEERS EUROPE

Declared number of engineers
Number of EUR INGs
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c/o Swiss society of Engineers and Architects  - SIA
Selnaustr. 16
CH-8027 Zürich
Tel: +41 44 283 15 15
Fax: +41 44 283 15 16

President: Mr. Alexandre KOUNITZKY, 

Secretary General: Mr. Laurindo LIETHA,


Member Associations


Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architekten Verein
Swiss society of Engineers and Architects
Société Suisse des Ingénieurs et des Architectes

President: Mr. Peter Dransfeld
Managing Director: Mr. Christoph Starck

Selnaustrasse 16, Postfach
CH-8027 Zürich
Tel. : +41 44 283 15 15
Fax. : +41 44 283 15 16

For over 175 years, the SIA has been Switzerland's leading professional association for qualified construction, technology and environment specialists. Together with around 15,000 members from the fields of engineering and architecture, the SIA constitutes a unique interdisciplinary skills network focusing on a construction culture of the utmost quality, with the central aim of promoting high-caliber design to ensure that the built environment in Switzerland can meet the requirements of the future.

On the basis of its numerous standards, regulations, guidelines, recommendations and other documents, which are of vital importance for the entire planning and construction sector in Switzerland, the SIA has set up an indispensable regulatory framework for building and architectural activities. The Society consistently serves its members by organizing training events, offering advice and issuing various publications, and it represents their interests through its political involvement and its public relations work. 

The SIA consists of four Professional Groups focusing on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Technology and the Environment. It has a federal structure with 18 sections which ensure that the SIA’s concerns are taken into account locally, and in line with regional cultures. Specific technical issues are dealt with by the SIA’s 23 specialist associations, and over 200 committees and working groups comprising recognized experts focus on continuing to develop the framework of standards.


Swiss Engineering STV UTS ATS

President: Mr. Giovanni Crupi
Secretary General: Mr. Alexander Jäger

Weinbergstrasse 41
CH-8006 Zürich
Tel. :+41 44 268 37 11
Fax. :+41 44 268 37 00

The Swiss Technical Association, STA, was founded in 1905. On the occasion of the 100 year anniversary the name was changed to Swiss Engineering STV UTS ATS. With some 13.000 members, Swiss Engineering STV covers above all qualified engineers and architects, graduated at an engineering school, from different branches: 15 % in architecture, 14% in civil engineering and 71% in industrial engineering (production, logistics, services and management) with 28% mechanical engineers, 25% electronic engineers and 18% from other engineering professions. They are organised in 25 regional groups and 28 specialized groups.